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Second in the Series, published in 2021.
Handmade letterpress chapbook designed and illustrated by May Day Studio of Montpelier, Vermont, signed and numbered by the author. Available for $8 here.
Let the tides take my body
by Zach Semel
These poems and prose poems and poetic essays are sexy, terrifying, playful, serious, yearning, brave and afraid and so beautiful. I’m thrilled that this second collection in our series furthers the tradition started by our first winner—hybridity celebrating queer attraction while not denying the challenges still faced by those of us who don’t slot into the categories some would like us to. Through its insatiable investigations of pop culture, botany, sports, gaming, film, other literature, and photography, this collection sees us all, and knows we all deserve better.
—Erin Stalcup, Editor of Hunger Mountain

So I see / his eyes,
wry / costume[d],
nervous / hands, tired, rough.
Yeast he made — out of me.
Touch my / hand my / spine
hurt me / on a too-small bed
wrapped in / him it was / like predawn
dripping, blossoming.
A state / away I asked /
but he got angry / and I had
to remember / what
exactly / I wanted.
or a brother1.
1 Machado, Carmen Maria. “Inventory.” Her Body and Other Parties: Stories, Graywolf Press, 2017, pp. 34-37.
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First in the Series, published in 2020.
by Julie Marie Wade
“This collection of poetic microessays is the hybridity we need right now—lyric & narrative, real & imagined, fierce & tender, in love with the world & critical of it, so much fun & deadly serious. I admire Wade’s range of timbres, the ways this collage makes me feel validated & seen, & how much PRIDE makes me hopeful for a better future.”
—Erin Stalcup, Hunger Mountain Editor
I’ll say it again to dispel any myths: I liked kissing my boyfriends. But remember: I also liked kissing my pillow, and the back of my hand, the washcloths and sponges, any plush toy. Those were the days of glorious, selfish kissing, when my singular mouth aspired to consume the whole world.
It would take a woman—and not just any woman, and not just any hot woman either, but a most particular one—for my kisses to transmit a message, to covey a feeling, and to receive these both in return. So many soliloquies in a soundproof room, those first years of kissing! And then at last: a mouth that answered fluently: a dialogue of words and more than words.
To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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Art can save a life, a relationship, a nation, a Sunday afternoon, one’s sanity—& art can save a space: for joy, for understanding, for all that is within us & beyond us.
We believe art matters now more than ever—or, rather, as much as it ever has.
This is our proof.

To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#24: Patterns
Patterns are worn, flown, danced, & disrupted. Read the fractals & celebrations curated by guest editors TC Tolbert, Toni Jensen, & Celia C. Pérez. CREATIVE NONFICTION by Kristiana Kahakauwila, Geffrey Davis, Natanya Ann Pulley, Leslie Jill Patterson, Anthony Huerta Velasquez, Sara Mang, & Sony Ton-Aime; FICTION by Natalie Serber, Nick Almeida, Kirie Pedersen, Jim Kourlas, Tessa Yang, & Lake Freeman; POETRY by tanner menard, Jennifer Tseng, torrin a. greathouse, Michael Mlekoday, Elizabeth Paulson, Michael Demyan, Alán Peláez López, Noor Ibn Najam, Nicholas Karavatos, Aldo Amparán, Anna Leigh Knowles, Jeremy Radin, Natalie Eleanor Patterson, Isaac Espósto, Gillian Jerome, Marianna Ariel, s.g. maldonado velez, Jake Bailey, C.L. White, & Megan Merchant; CHILDREN’S LITERATURE by Xelena Gonazález, Julie Zigoris, & Shelli Cornelison; ARTWORK by Marielena Andre. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#23: Silence & Power
Lean in and listen closely to our newest issue, curated by guest editors Natalie Scenters-Zapico, James Scott, & Yamile S. Méndez. FICTION by Tiphanie Yanique, Michael Martone, Gabriela Denise Frank, Mark Powell, & Michael Nye; POETRY by Eloisa Amezcua, Paul Tran, Rosebud Ben-Oni, Amelia Martens, Tina Carlson, Gabriel Dozal, Lupe Méndez, Lauren Espinoza, Brad Rose, Jade Hurter, John A. Nieves, Lizzy Fox, W. Todd Kaneko, Jihyun Yun, Theophilus Kwek, & Jake Skeets; CREATIVE NONFICTION by Rita Banerjee & Akiko Yosano (translated from the Japanese by Marissa Skeels); CHILDREN’S LITERATURE by Yan Fécu, Beth Little, Noah Weisz, & Margo Lemieux; ARTWORK by Sascha Düser, Rui Chaves, Anna Spool, Sondra Graff, Jason Fowler, Keri Dennison-Leidecker, Irina Iriser, Min An, Christian Colton, Sam Flora, Meridyth Espindola, Jimmy Henderson, Seth Depiesse, & Dana Lyons. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#22: Everyday Chimeras
This issue just might transform you. Guest Editors Melissa Febos & Donika Kelly have chosen POETRY by Carl Phillips, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Anna Dunn, Jose Angel Araguz, L. Lamar Wilson, Destiny O. Birdsong, Miriam Bird Greenberg, Elizabeth Barnett, Ama Codjoe, Beth Bachmann, Zachary Schomburg, Elizabeth Acevedo, R. Cassandra Bruner, Angie Macri, Brian Clifton, Tyler Friend, Sara Ryan, Stephanie Rogers, Angie Vorhies, Sarah Elizabeth Schantz, Eve Alexandra & Andrea Rogers; FICTION by Mallory Ortberg, Alexander Weinstein, Lydia Conklin, Jordy Rosenberg & Shelly Oria; CREATIVE NONFICTION by Sasha LaPointe, Hallie Goodman, Sayantani Dasgupta, Syreeta McFadden & Caroll Sun Yang; CHILDREN’S LITERATURE by Julie Hampton, Ngwah-Mbo Nana Nkweti, Lara Ehrlich & Amy Rose Capetta; ARTWORK by Maggie Nowinski & Charles Recher. Published 2018. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#21: Masked/Unmasked
Uncover the odd, the shocking, the beautiful, and the mysterious. FICTION by Brian Evenson, Brenda Peynado, Rav Grewal-Kök, Robert Lopez, Lucy Corin, & Alexa Rose Hudson; POETRY by Dilruba Ahmed, Patricia Smith, Didi Jackson, Santee Frazier, Myronn Hardy, Charif Shanahan, Betsy Sholl, Remica Bingham-RIsher, Nathan McClain, Tom Sleigh, David Eye, Jennie Malboeuf, Keetje Kuipers, Marcus Jackson, Alison Prine, Major Jackson, Matthew Dickman, Rosebud Ben-Oni, James Crews, Lillian-Yvonne Bertram, & Nate Pritts; CREATIVE NONFICTION by Lily Hoang & Jenn Grunigen; CHILDREN’S LITERATURE by Meg Kearney, William Alexander, Rob Costello, Rachel Yeaman, Sabrina Mock-Rossi, & Elizabeth Maria Naranjo.
Published 2017. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#20: Edges
ARTWORK by Cynthia Atwood & Nils Karsten; FICTION by Xu Xi, Robin MacArthur, Raymond Fleischmann, Daniel Presley, Lenore Myka, S. Frederic Liss, Hope Chernov, & Roberta Harold; YOUNG ADULT AND MIDDLE GRADE FICTION by Toni Ann Johnson & Adi Rule; CREATIVE NONFICTION by Sheila Grace Stuewe, Eileen M.K. Bobek, Brad Felver, Toni Mirosevich, & Jody Keisner; POETRY by Caroline Crew, Lindsay Illich, Maureen Mulhern, Andrew Hemmert, John A. Nieves, Elizabeth Aoki, Joellen Craft, Joy Moore, Tresha Faye Haefner, Georganna Millman, Calvin Bedient, Scott Brennan, Ann Huang, Brianna Noll, Julie Cadwallader Staub, Linda Tomol Pennisi, Samantha Deal, Rimas Uzgiris, Kim Garcia, Matt Salyer, Katy Rossing, Mark Neely, & J. August Cosmico.
Published 2016. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#19: The Body Issue
This issue address the body and all its myriad forms & functions, flaws & failures, its miracles, its magnetism, the way the body shows up in culture, in memory, in childhood, in dreams, in our understanding of self. Featuring TATTOOS by one of NYC’s finest Tattoo artists, the winners of our POETRY, CREATIVE NONFICTION, FICTION, & CHILDREN’S LITERATURE contests, a Middle Grade novel-in-verse that’s also a book-within-a-book, & the cover artist’s self-portraits.
Published 2015. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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Hunger Mountain #18
NewPages calls Hunger Mountain #18 a “go-to for solid stories and surprises.” FICTION by Patrick Dacey, Patrick Downes, John Hough Jr, Kendall Klym, Howard Frank Mosher, & Cody Walker. CREATIVE NONFICTION by Dionisia Moarales, Allie Rowbottom, & Julie Marie Wade. POETRY by Brandon Amico, Susan Cohen, Rafaella Del Bourgo, Chard deNiord, Leah Falk, Matthew Fee, Catherine Freeling, Shelley Girdner, Jessica Goodfellow, Dennis Hinrichsen, Rosemary Kitchen, Sydney Lea, Annie Lighthart, Russ Madison, Kathleen O’Toole, & Ann Pelletier. YOUNG ADULT & CHILDREN’S LITERATURE by Maggie Lehrman, Jackie Lea Sommers, & Christina Soontornvat. ARTWORK by Kerri Augenstein, Cathy Jones, Joan Linder, & Samuel Rowlett.
Published 2013/2014. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#17: Labyrinths
Our anniversary celebrates ten years of publication, & contains two pieces awarded Pushcart Prizes: Pam Houston’s essay “Corn Maze” and Kwame Dawes’ poem “The Separation/Retention.” Three essays from the Labyrinths issue were named “notable” in Best American Essays. The issue also contains a special feature, Lists of Ten, by some of today’s most exciting writers: Steve Almond gives us his Top 10 Candy Bars, Laura van den Berg lists 10 great titles of semi-recent fiction, Vermont Poet Laureate Sydney Lea lists his 10 favorite sounds, & Robin Black presents 10 spaces in her ideal home.
Published 2012. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.
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#16: Menagerie
NewPages praises the Hunger Mountain Menagerie for its “visual elegance,” & “for its variability and literary richness, but more even for its lovely visual presentation.” Stories, poems, and thoughts about beasts of all kinds from Adam Levin, Laura van den Berg, Dani Shapiro, Robin Black, Edith Pearlman, Nancy Eimers, Pam Houston, Ron Carlson, & William Olsen; glossy full-color photographs by Linda Adele Goodine; an essay on secondary characters in fiction by Robin Black; poems by Marge Piercy, Mark Doty, & many other poets.
Published 2011. SOLD OUT.
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15 The Thing at the Top of the Stairs
NewPages calls Hunger Mountain 15 a “veritable reading buffet” perfect for when “your brain gets to feeling a bit peckish—in need of a good read.” The issue gets its name from a writing challenge inspired by Ray Bradbury: jot lists, without thinking too hard, of the things that represent the writer’s deepest interests, preoccupations, desires, fears, obsessions. These Bradbury lists, from Melissa Febos, Paul Lisicky, Michael Martone, Bruce Smith, & others, are sprinkled throughout the issue’s poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, children’s literature, and photography. “The icing on this literary cake,” the NewPages review goes on to say, “is the photography by Heather Gray. These sensual, thought-provoking works make a statement about the history of women, the fear of domesticity, and the power of the feminine. As a section placed between the sharp flavors of this literary sandwich, Gray’s artistic style adds an amusing note both inside as well as on the cover.”
Published 2010. To order a back issue, contact hungermtn@vcfa.edu directly.[/av_textblock]